We have added a View process menu, a new interactive interface providing quick access to the most used items in Abstractlogic. It is accessible on any device from which you can enter the AL system. The View process menu can be opened from the top-left menu items, as shown here.
This view organises the most-used menu items into the following categories:
- Form Setup: gives access to individual profile parameters, and project and abstract settings, as well as your account’s media gallery (including all your projects).
- Form Fields (Design): provides access to individual submitter, author, reviewer and faculty demographics, and to free fields groups and free fields setups.
- Administration: allows you to import abstracts, faculties and reviewers, and to view reviewers, abstracts and faculty members, as well as providing access to reports and the advanced search function.
- View Forms: directs you to general links, and to the profile, reviewers and faculty logins.
- Reviewing: directs you to the reviewing processes where you can assign abstracts to a reviewer, in bulk, one by one or individually, and to the delete scores and allocation functions. you can also access the login area setup and score setups, and view reviews.
- Programme: gives access to the programme builder and session options, including session assignment, session and presentations, sessions groups session rooms and sessions.
Communication: this menu opens the template based views, such as document templates, email templates and web pages.
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