We have a new Membership Cycles Development! The new “automatic membership renewal dates by calendar” feature allows users to set up 2 date ranges (called “cycles”) and alter the default behaviour of the membership renewal dates according to the cycle in which the renewal payment was made.
- To activate the feature, go to Parameters in the menu item, navigate to Member Form Settings, and set the Calendar Year Memberships option to YES.
- Next, we need to configure the cycles. Go to the menu item Membership Cycles, and you will find the cycles configuration interface.
- Here, you divide the whole year into 2 date ranges of any duration as long as they sum up to a year together. After you set up these 2 cycles, define a Membership Start Date for each one. Here is an example of Cycle 1 and Cycle 2.
- Now, any member with an outstanding balance yet to pay will have no renewal date until they renew their membership and pay their balance and these renewals. Any new membership that comes in while the feature is active will be bound under the rules of the cycles you just configured.
- As a last reminder, you can turn off the renewal dates by calendar feature at any time you want, everything will be back to normal for future renewals/new registrations without any data override.
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