4XX Soft Bounce and Hard Bounce Code Lookup and Definitions
Code Type Description
421 Soft Service not available
447 Soft Temporary network or Connection issues or an anti-spam setting with the destination domain
450 Soft Mailbox unavailable
451 Soft Error in processing
452 Soft Insufficient system storage
5XX Soft Bounce and Hard Bounce Code Lookup and Definitions
Code Type Description
500 Hard Address does not exist
501 Hard Incorrect/invalid email address (check for spaces at the beginning and the end of the email)
510 Hard Other address status
511 Hard Bad destination mailbox address
512 Hard Bad destination system address
513 Hard Bad destination mailbox address syntax
514 Hard Destination mailbox address ambiguous
515 Hard Destination mailbox address valid
516 Hard Mailbox has moved
517 Hard Bad sender’s mailbox address syntax
518 Hard Bad sender’s system address
520 Soft Other or undefined mailbox status
521 Soft Mailbox disabled, not accepting messages
522 Soft Mailbox full
523 Hard Message length exceeds administrative limit
524 Hard Mailing list expansion problem
530 Hard Other or undefined mail system status
531 Soft Mail system full
532 Hard System not accepting network messages
533 Hard System not capable of selected features
534 Hard Message too big for system
540 Hard Other or undefined network or routing status or DNS cannot be resolved
541 Hard No answer from host (5.4.14 - indicates a mail loop or routing problem at recipient)
542 Hard Bad connection
543 Hard Routing server failure
544 Hard Unable to route
545 Soft Network congestion
546 Hard Routing loop detected
547 Hard Delivery time expired
550 Hard Other or Mailbox unavailable or unverifiable or undefined protocol status
551 Hard Invalid command
552 Hard Syntax error
553 Soft Too many recipients
554 Hard Invalid command arguments
555 Hard Wrong protocol version
560 Hard Other or undefined media error
561 Hard Media not supported
562 Hard Conversion required and prohibited
563 Hard Conversion required but not supported
564 Hard Conversion with loss performed
565 Hard Conversion failed
570 Hard Other or undefined security status
571 Hard Delivery not authorized, message refused
572 Hard Mailing list expansion prohibited
573 Hard Security conversion required but not possible
574 Hard Security features not supported
575 Hard Cryptographic failure
576 Hard Cryptographic algorithm not supported
577 Hard Message integrity failure
9XX Soft Bounce and Hard Bounce Code Lookup and Definitions
Code Type Description
911 Hard Hard bounce with no bounce code found It could be an invalid email or rejected email from your mail server (such as from a sending limit)
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