The participantlgic allows your to create discounts as "Filter Fields" or "Percentage/Flat".
1) "Filter Fields" type discounts are placed on Demographics page and controls the complimentary or reduced fee activities on the next page (Activities page).
2) "Percentage/Flat" type discounts are placed on Payments page (2.05 Free Field Groups -> Group Placement -> 4 - Payments Page). The discount is applied to the total booked amount.
In addition, you need to create 1 additional activity that would take would take money off the balance.
The details on how to set this up are:
Go to Menu 3.03 > Activity Groups
Create a new activity group with ID 98765 The ID must match
Give the group a name - e.g. "Filter Code Discount Activity Group"
for caption for forms - e.g. "Your Discount"
Scroll down
Input Type = Price
Input placement eg right of activity name
Placement Participant Form = Invisible
Go to 3.04 > Activities
Create new activity Id 98765 The ID must match
Activity Name = e.g. Discount
Caption for forms = e.g. "Discount:"
Price inc / ex VAT = 0
Activity Group = "Filter Code Discount Activity Group"
Input Type = Price
Admin Only = YES
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact by submitting a request.
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